Once in a while, I'd pull Sunny Boy out and wear it somewhere. Not just to drive with blonde hair, but to actually be Sunny Boy on an excursion. That means getting it to fit just right and owning it all day, like I did when I was in the movie. I am sure the people with me during those adventures kept wondering when I was going to take the hair off and be normal, but it was just a simple way to be a little outlandish for a day. I never totally got into character. It was just the blonde version of me.
The main events I remember best while wearing the wig would be crazy hair day at my teaching job, going apple picking, a day at the zoo, and our daughter's Barbie birthday party.
As a teacher, I am a consummate professional, even if I like to tell a good, funny story to the students, so most of them couldn't help giggling at me all hour as I wore Sunny Boy. For some reason, they couldn't take me seriously, even though the rock star wanna be teacher down the hall looked like Sunny Boy all the time.
The photo above is from apple picking at the Elegant Farmer in Wisconsin. I wore Sunny Boy while there with some friends. No one seemed to notice or care out loud, but I knew some people wondered at the wild hair on the hay ride. It gave the whole day more of a care-free feeling, so it was fun.
I lived about a mile from the Milwaukee County Zoo, so why not walk up one day with Sunny Boy? Nothing special. Just another day at the zoo, but maybe some of the animals wondered at the crazy hair on that one human.

I'd recommend having a dress-up box, even as an adult. I have a giant bin of props, as well as one with just hats. Some are goofy, but others could be used in more serious situations. Probably not job interviews, but just nights out on the Town Center.
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